August 6, 2015

We aren't alone.

Last night was big... We met other couples who have also lost a child.. We grieved together. We remembered together. We were honest and transparent together. We shared pictures. We saw the precious faces of our babies in a different way. It felt so good. Our angel's death was the most recent, but only by a few months. All six of us could almost finish the others' sentences. To be members of this 'bereaved parents' club is the worst possible club to be in but to have these other people as support is amazing. We can all learn a lot from one another because it's going to be a lifelong change that's should really be called a lifelong nightmare. I won't go into details of our time together last night but I highly encourage anyone who is grieving to find others who can support you and truly understand you. For people who are trying to be the supporters, just be patient and please understand that literally every minute, every hour, every day is a struggle. Nothing will ever be the same. We smile and try to carry on because that's what we need to do. But know that inside we are empty, breathless, and feeling swallowed by the overwhelming feeling of sadness that comes with your child being in Heaven and you being left here on Earth. I am the most grateful for the hugs, genuine prayers, and simple calls and text messages just letting me know they're thinking about me and sharing a thought about Avery.

I also just want to add... Please don't forget the families of the lost children. They also lost a piece of themselves.. A neice or nephew, a grandchild, a cousin. Pray for them and support them as well.

My hope is that we can create a community that truly and genuinely supports, encourages, prays for, and is patient with the families of people hurting. It's a scary place to be. It's traumatic. We have felt so much love but please don't stop. You can't stop. You've literally carried us through days that we can't even recall details of because of being swept under by the waves.

"Love the Lord your God with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your might. The second is  this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these." Mark 12:30-31

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